Wellbeing Yoga with Sue
Wellbeing Yoga with Sue: I’ve been running a small and dedicated yoga class at Forest Park for over 10 years now. We’re an all-inclusive mixed age and ability group who spend an hour and a half every week stretching and strength building in conjunction with deep breathing and relaxation. Yoga Read more…
Gentle Yoga & Sound Meditation
Ashley Clarke will be running this monthly workshop as part of Aloha Holistic Therapies. Sink into a nourishing Gentle Yoga, Yoga Nidra & Sound Meditation Session once a month. A soft and deeply rested time to honor the end of the month. Running 12pm – 13:30pm. Please email ashleyclarke887@gmail.com for more information and Read more…
Bracknell Forest Lottery
We have signed up with the Bracknell Forest Lottery. This is an exciting weekly lottery that raises money for good causes in Bracknell including us! This will help support the local community. For more information, click here To get playing, head over to our page here
Welcome to the Community Centre Forest Park Community Centre is leased from Bracknell Forest Borough Council but it is run by a group of volunteers, Forest Park Community Centre Association. The Association is a registered Charity (Charity number: 298690) managed by local residents and representatives from the non-commercial groups that Read more…